
Hi! I’m Sandy-- nutritionist, health coach, fitness trainer, bikini competitor, self-love and personal development junkie. I’m going to help you lose fat, gain confidence, love your body and radiate from within by taking a scientific, sensible and realistic approach to fat-loss and fostering a positive self-image.
I’m going to show you that you CAN achieve the body of your dreams while absolutely loving life. I’m going to show you how to end the vicious cycle of weight gain and finally feel comfortable in your skin. No more feeling deprived or powerless around food, frustrated or obsessed with what or how much to eat, or embarrassed when wearing body conscious clothes or swimsuits.
I’m going to show you how understanding your beautiful biochemistry makes you lean, sexy and radiant, and how giving your human machine sufficient clean fuel is far more reliable than any quick fix, magic potion or praying for a miracle. Once you master it you’ll be able to get in tune with your body and reprogram to have more energy and confidence to match your ambition.
How do I know this? Because, I’ve been there. I spent years feeling like crap, out of control, scared, anxious, self-conscious, defeated, alone, ashamed and jealous. I have since learned to let go of trapped emotions, bad habits, guilt and anxiety around food and figured out how to walk a self-directed path that keeps me in control of food and thoughts to bring me to a place where my body composition and quality of life intersect.
Let me share my story
This site really isn’t about me, It’s about helping you meet your health and fitness goals. But if you want to know a bit about who I am and where I’m coming from, then feel free to read on.
I grew up in Kingston, Jamaica. An island girl through and through. When I was 15, my mom passed away in an accident. It came completely out of the blue, and hit me at an age when I wasn’t able to process the emotions. I struggled to deal with the loss and started lashing out. I partied, behaved recklessly and trashed my body to numb the deep loneliness I felt within. I believed the world was a dark, unfair place and I barely deserved to be in it. I felt unworthy of love, lacked self-confidence and struggled with body image.
I knew I wanted to make a change but wasn’t sure how to do it. I started to prioritize exercise simply because it made me feel better, look better and allowed me time to reflect and focus on my thoughts. I stopped complaining about the things I didn’t like and took action to change them, I took control of the way I ate, trained and treated my body. Over time I felt stronger in my mind, body and heart.
I started teaching fitness classes and I loved being able to help others achieve their goals and regain their self-confidence. But deep down I knew there was still more I could bring to the table to truly help others transform. I further pursued my passion and achieved my second degree, a Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics. Going back to school was challenging, but I appreciated learning and soaking up all the knowledge that I had been craving for so long!
I entered the world of competitive fitness shortly after graduating. I had always admired the strong, beautiful women on the cover of fitness magazines. I wanted to be just like these women, and I wanted to provoke powerful positive feelings for others just like these women were doing for me. So once I had the opportunity, I challenged myself to do a fitness show. One became three and now I’m hooked! It’s a great way to push myself, channel my goal oriented and competitive spirit and connect with like-hearted and like-minded people.

My experiences have taught me to use nutrition and fitness as a gateway to feel strong in my mind, body and heart, to become self-confident and feel powerful in my decisions, goals and dreams. I’ve awakened new curiosities and I am constantly learning and growing every single day. My mission is to share this gift of prioritizing food, fitness and frame of mind to help women recognize their worth and feel confident and powerful to go after everything and anything they want in life.
Let’s write your story
You have landed on this page for a reason. Odds are pretty darn good that you’re ready to make a change. Whether it’s to lose 5 lbs or 50 lbs or just get your body smiling again, you have the power. I give you all the tools for success. All you have to do is show up, do the work and it’s all yours. It won’t be easy, but It’ll be the beginning of a life you’ve always wanted. No matter what your situation, no matter where you are starting from, no matter what crap you’ve been telling yourself, we are going to reveal your radiance. Because I know you have it in you, even if you don’t.
Have faith in your journey, it’s time to take action.
Xo, Sandy
B.A. - Business and Society, York University, Canada
B.Sc. - Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Technology, Jamaica
Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) Certified Health Coach
International Sport Sciences Association (ISSA) Certified Fitness Trainer
International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) Certified Sports Nutrition Specialist
Member of Team Savage